1krispy1: WEKIChatAud080612
1krispy1: WEKIAudobonChatfield0809122
1krispy1: EasternKingBirdWalden061012
1krispy1: EasternKingbirdWaldenMay2012
1krispy1: SaysWaldenApr2012
1krispy1: NOSHCarsonNatureCenter121612
1krispy1: AudobonSaysPhoebeApril2012
1krispy1: EasternPhoebeVirginia2012
1krispy1: Eastern Phoebe
1krispy1: Eastern Phoebe
1krispy1: Great Kiskadee
1krispy1: Great-crested Flycatcher
1krispy1: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
1krispy1: White-eyed Vireo
1krispy1: American Pipit at Chatfield State Park
1krispy1: Eastern Phoebe with Plum Creek
1krispy1: Eastern Phoebe on a stalk
1krispy1: Cassin's Kingbird
1krispy1: Ash-throated Flycatcher
1krispy1: Eastern Kingbird riding the fence
1krispy1: Great-crested Flycatcher down low
1krispy1: Brown-crested Flycatcher in the treetop
1krispy1: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
1krispy1: Western Kingbird in hover mode
1krispy1: Scissors-tailed Flycatcher Immature
1krispy1: Say's Phoebe in the bush
1krispy1: Eastern Phoebe
1krispy1: Western Kingbird on rail
1krispy1: Loggerhead Shrike
1krispy1: Head turned Vermilion Flycatcher