1krispy1: Redhead Ducks
1krispy1: Ring Neck Ducks
1krispy1: Lesser Scaup
1krispy1: Ring Neck Duck with Pied Bill Grebe
1krispy1: Common Golden Eye
1krispy1: Common Golden Eye
1krispy1: LESCCarsonCenter123012
1krispy1: RUDUatKitringLake112312Profile
1krispy1: RUDUatKitringLake112312HeadOn
1krispy1: BUFFatKitringLake112312
1krispy1: CANVatWaldenPonds110912
1krispy1: GoldenEyeEchoLakePrk040712
1krispy1: CommonMergansersAudobon070112
1krispy1: lesserScaupKitringAp2012
1krispy1: RedBreastedCommonMergansers
1krispy1: BabyCOMERAud081712
1krispy1: CommonMerganserAudMay2012
1krispy1: HoodedMerganserTakingACrayfish
1krispy1: Bufflehead
1krispy1: Bufflehead Pair
1krispy1: Common Goldeneye
1krispy1: Hooded Merganser
1krispy1: Hooded Merganser
1krispy1: Redhead with Green-winged Teal
1krispy1: Redhead and Shoveler
1krispy1: Redhead males
1krispy1: Ring-neck Duck
1krispy1: Common Goldeneye
1krispy1: Common Goldeneye taking off
1krispy1: Common Goldeneye ice fishing