Pam from Calif:
Prince's Legacy~ Terri Bahn
Pam from Calif:
The Spirit of Paisley Park~ Elizabeth Budd
Pam from Calif:
Rhythm & Rain~ Patricia Von Arx
Pam from Calif:
The Royal Prince~ Linda Muehring
Pam from Calif:
Electric Soul~ Chrisitna McCann
Pam from Calif:
The Sun, the Moon, and Stars~ Maggie Ward
Pam from Calif:
Genius Prince~ Chiharu Takahashi
Pam from Calif:
Prince of Hearts~ Patricia Heinrichs
Pam from Calif:
Starfish and Coffee.... Quilt by Sally Wright
Pam from Calif:
Prince's Reign~ Laurie Miller
Pam from Calif:
Controversy~ Robin Perry
Pam from Calif:
Royal Riff ~ Ellen Smith
Pam from Calif:
Dearly Beloved~ Robin Koenig
Pam from Calif:
Redemption~ Marie Unin
Pam from Calif:
Paisley Prince~ Mary Barrette
Pam from Calif:
Icon of Music Revolution~ Lynne Reamey
Pam from Calif:
Minneapolis Ghost Driver ~ Diane Mezerkor
Pam from Calif:
Raining Purple~ Lisa Miinch
Pam from Calif:
Prince Remembered~ Penni Barger
Pam from Calif:
Kiss~ Linda Sullivan
Pam from Calif:
Pixelated~ Enid Weichselbaum
Pam from Calif:
Still Weeping~ Mary Kay Davis
Pam from Calif:
Paisley Prince~ Vicky Bedell
Pam from Calif:
Purple Rain~ Joy Palmer
Pam from Calif:
Juxtaposition of Paisley~ Laurie Lile
Pam from Calif:
The Jewel of Paisley Park~ Heidi Lund
Pam from Calif:
First Avenue Stardom~ Heather Thormodson
Pam from Calif:
Purple Rain~ Barbara LaBrake
Pam from Calif:
The Purple Song~ Sarah Thacker
Pam from Calif:
Be True to Yourself ~ Pat Hilderbrand