Lynda Sandoval: A tree, a lake, and moi...(namely, big, Tahoe, and Lynda--and incidentally, I look like a gnome unless you view this large)
Lynda Sandoval: Do I look short against this tree?
Lynda Sandoval: Suzy, it's my own blue light!!!! (private joke)
Lynda Sandoval: Frasier/Winter Park Colorado, from the train
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the California Zephyr, Frasier/Winter Park, CO
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the train. I love the colors.
Lynda Sandoval: Love the colors!
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the California Zephyr train, from Reno en route Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the California Zephyr train, from Reno en route Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the California Zephyr train, from Reno en route Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the California Zephyr train, from Reno en route Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the California Zephyr train, from Reno en route Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the California Zephyr train, from Reno en route Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the California Zephyr train, from Reno en route Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: The heinous and ubiquitous self-portrait on the Amtrak. I look like shit, but whatev.
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the Amtrak, Reno to Denver
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the California Zephyr train, from Reno en route Denver (I think this is Utah)
Lynda Sandoval: Views from the California Zephyr train, from Reno en route Denver (I think this is Utah)