auggie w: Morning on Charlton Lake, Willisville, Sudbury/Killarney, ON, Canada
auggie w: Morning on Charlton Lake II
auggie w: Morning on Charlton Lake
auggie w: Morning on Charlton Lake III, Willisville, Sudbury/Killarney, ON, Canada
auggie w: Misty July Sunrise on Charlton Lake (from the kayak)
auggie w: Misty July Sunrise from the mini kayak
auggie w: Misty Sunrise (in my back) on Charlton Lake
auggie w: Top of Alligator Rock: At Charlton Lake, Willisville, ON (360degrees)
auggie w: Grey Summer Morning on the Bay of Islands near Whitefish Falls, ON (Sudbury Region) - interactive 360 degree pano
auggie w: Grey Summer Morning on the Bay of Islands near Whitefish Falls II, ON (Sudbury Region) - interactive 360 degree pano
auggie w: July Afternoon just outside Killarney Provincial Park: Alligator Rock on Charlton Lake (interactive 360degree pano)
auggie w: Sunset time just outside Killarney Provincial Park: Charlton Lake, Willisville, ON (interactive 360degree pano)
auggie w: (please enlarge) Blue Morning on Charlton Lake (Willisville, Sudbury, ON, Canada) - 360degree pano
auggie w: Great Lakes Sunset from the Chi Cheemaun Ferry
auggie w: (Please Enlarge) Cove Island and its Lighthouse: from the Tobermory - Manitoulin Ferry, Lake Huron
auggie w: (Please enlarge) On Manitoulin Island near Sheguiandah, ON, Canada
auggie w: August Sunrise on Charlton Lake, Sudbury Region, Ontario
auggie w: Grey Summer Day on Charlton Lake, ON, Canada (interactive 360degree pano)
auggie w: Grey Summer Day at Charlton Lake, Sudbury region, ON, Canada (internactive 360degree pano)
auggie w: Summer afternoon on Frood Lake, Sudbury Region (interactive 360degree pano)
auggie w: Island Hopping on Charlton Lake, Sudbury Region,
auggie w: Cloudy Summer Morning on Charlton Lake, Sudbury Region, ON (interactive spherical pano)
auggie w: Kayak Exloration on Charlton Lake, Sudbury Region, ON (interactive spherical pano)
auggie w: Heading up Willisville Mountain, once again (interactive 360degree pano)
auggie w: Cloudy Sunrise at Charlton Lake, Sudbury Region, ON
auggie w: Cloudy Sunrise at Charlton Lake, Sudbury Region, ON
auggie w: Morning Kayak Ride on Charlton Lake
auggie w: (Please enlarge) July Afternoon on the Bay of Islands (360degrees)
auggie w: Grey July Morning on Frood Lake, Willisville, Sudbury, ON, Canada
auggie w: Along Highway 6 near Whitefish Falls, ON, Canada