cas.spicer: Sprials of Blue
cas.spicer: Flash play!!
cas.spicer: Light painting @ Holy Cross church Felsted
cas.spicer: Light painting @ Bradwell church
cas.spicer: Blue and white
cas.spicer: Red, white and blue
cas.spicer: Blue and red
cas.spicer: Red with Blue
cas.spicer: Coggeshall Chapel
cas.spicer: spiragraph
cas.spicer: Spooky green
cas.spicer: Church slinky
cas.spicer: Led light painting
cas.spicer: Colourful patterns
cas.spicer: Walton
cas.spicer: Firey Cross
cas.spicer: Shadows of crosses
cas.spicer: Glowing cross
cas.spicer: Desert rats memorial Thetford forest
cas.spicer: Sparkler fun
cas.spicer: Multi coloured
cas.spicer: Mirrored slinky
cas.spicer: Abstract
cas.spicer: Boats at Snape
cas.spicer: Multi coloured