katyherbert: Howard reading Heatworld.com
katyherbert: Howard in the sun
katyherbert: Snoozing...
katyherbert: More Howard...
katyherbert: and again (minor obsession...)
katyherbert: Choke hold?
katyherbert: Two little people
katyherbert: Vicky and Daisy
katyherbert: Vicky and myself
katyherbert: Me, Howard, my crazy hair and tired eyes
katyherbert: Draper excited about walking in the rain
katyherbert: getting mardy with mack hood
katyherbert: sheeps!
katyherbert: valley and reservoir in the rain
katyherbert: more sheep and rainy roaches
katyherbert: valley
katyherbert: roaches
katyherbert: getting ridiculously wet
katyherbert: blurry with rain
katyherbert: more roaches
katyherbert: Draper looking wee
katyherbert: more sheeps
katyherbert: Buxton charity shop - plenty china cats
katyherbert: Buxton grafitti
katyherbert: I thought this was Jesus, but it isn't...
katyherbert: Draper's massive head and Howard's tiny body
katyherbert: More...
katyherbert: P1020707
katyherbert: P1020710
katyherbert: P1020711