Memphis302: Garbage shot II
Memphis302: Garbage shot I
Memphis302: NYS&W 3040
Memphis302: Susie-Q
Memphis302: before the cloud
Memphis302: after the cloud
Memphis302: NYS&W 142
Memphis302: NYS&W @Utica, NY
Memphis302: NYS&W CL-1 in Tully, NY
Memphis302: Homer, NY
Memphis302: Syracuse, NY
Memphis302: Flame milepost 262
Memphis302: NYS&W 1802
Memphis302: Find the Brown Goats
Memphis302: A switch in the woods
Memphis302: Seven cars for Sangerfield
Memphis302: New Hartford, NY
Memphis302: High sun in New York Mills, NY
Memphis302: Seldom Switched I
Memphis302: Seldom Switched II
Memphis302: Rain, rain, rain
Memphis302: Susquehanna Surprise I
Memphis302: Susquehanna Surprise II
Memphis302: Fall Fun