spokanemadge: DSCF0548
spokanemadge: DSCF0505
spokanemadge: mixed vibrant color
spokanemadge: circular geometry and cassette tapes
spokanemadge: this is your receipt
spokanemadge: create
spokanemadge: heart see the world in new ways read
spokanemadge: i am Fannie Lou Hamer...
spokanemadge: Gingergenderperson
spokanemadge: Select Apple Funky
spokanemadge: Brother
spokanemadge: Adrienne Rich's Chair
spokanemadge: The Coronet
spokanemadge: Blue and Orange
spokanemadge: Fannie Lou Hamer
spokanemadge: Center Force
spokanemadge: Swimming in Blue
spokanemadge: Snowman Bubble
spokanemadge: The First Snow