jesstorr: Starlings
jesstorr: Flock of starlings
jesstorr: Flock of starlings
jesstorr: Starlings on the back porch
jesstorr: Starling
jesstorr: Bluejay
jesstorr: Male cardinal
jesstorr: Yellow-throated Vireo
jesstorr: Robin
jesstorr: Chickadee
jesstorr: Male malard
jesstorr: Female mallard
jesstorr: Grey squirrel
jesstorr: Starling in the sumac
jesstorr: White-breasted Nuthatch?
jesstorr: Bluejay
jesstorr: American Goldfinch (?)
jesstorr: Downy Woodpecker
jesstorr: Crow and Moon
jesstorr: Robin
jesstorr: American goldfinch
jesstorr: Male and female house finch, red-breasted nuthatch
jesstorr: Our resident golden-tailed squirrel
jesstorr: Dark-eyed junco?
jesstorr: Hairy woodpecker
jesstorr: DSC_7042
jesstorr: White-breasted nuthatch
jesstorr: DSC_7041
jesstorr: Grey squirrel
jesstorr: Bluejay