gritgoods: wheel bug lunch 8 - better position
gritgoods: wheel bug lunch 9 - the entire probiscus, finding a sweeter spot
gritgoods: wheel bug lunch 2 - probiscus rising
gritgoods: wheel bug lunch 3 - sunk in soft skin
gritgoods: wheel bug lunch 7 - tasty tasty
gritgoods: wheel bug lunch 6 - the woolly worm stopped fighting
gritgoods: wheel bug lunch 4 - innerds turning to mush
gritgoods: wheel bug lunch 5 - yuck
gritgoods: wheel bug lunch 1 - woolly muching a leaf, wheel bug about to munch too
gritgoods: patterns from below. adult wheel bug.
gritgoods: See why it would hurt if it were to sting you?
gritgoods: Patterns from above. Wheel Bug adult.
gritgoods: Yipes
gritgoods: WheelBugAdult1
gritgoods: guess who? another Woodfin neighborhood wheel bug nymph
gritgoods: they must be breeding
gritgoods: Hell's leprechaun
gritgoods: wheel bug nymph - unedited
gritgoods: what is this????
gritgoods: perfect
gritgoods: "Excuse me, I had a hot pepper at lunch that just won't leave me alone."
gritgoods: rounding the porch rail corner. Sick of me and my big camera.
gritgoods: hiding under the rail
gritgoods: he wasn't hungry because he was ready to molt!!
gritgoods: pulled him out of the jar for a better picture
gritgoods: almost there...
gritgoods: molting complete
gritgoods: you're welcome pet wheel bug :0)
gritgoods: now she's hungry
gritgoods: 2008_0804wheelbugandgrasshopper0036-unedited