gritgoods: cool sign
gritgoods: where's bunny?
gritgoods: if I were an ant on the table
gritgoods: again, perfect timing for a human to appear
gritgoods: above me
gritgoods: Garage door reflections
gritgoods: Lil in thought, or mid sentence
gritgoods: not an advertisement for Eckhart Tolle. This kitty was chasing a wasp!
gritgoods: the wasp ate the kitteh hed
gritgoods: feeling insecure next to the kitteh book. So cute it hurtz da kitteh eyes.
gritgoods: The whole picture
gritgoods: It resembles the stance of a cobra, no?
gritgoods: cherry tree
gritgoods: Cherry tree and column
gritgoods: sliding doors
gritgoods: stairwell
gritgoods: stairwell across the way
gritgoods: ma'am, you're not allowed to take pictures in here