gritgoods: spooky shadow
gritgoods: Bent Creek January 2011-069.jpg
gritgoods: Bent Creek January 2011-059.jpg
gritgoods: Bent Creek January 2011-032.jpg
gritgoods: Bent Creek January 2011-027.jpg
gritgoods: fluff shadows
gritgoods: coming for the trees
gritgoods: spider shadow
gritgoods: spider shadow too
gritgoods: my Grandma sat here
gritgoods: thinking pot
gritgoods: weight of winter 2
gritgoods: Bird in Flight2
gritgoods: Bird in Flight
gritgoods: Always together
gritgoods: corner highlight
gritgoods: 2008_0426BrookeBdayParty0041
gritgoods: 2008_0426BrookeBdayParty0040
gritgoods: 2008_0426BrookeBdayParty0039
gritgoods: 2008_0426BrookeBdayParty0038
gritgoods: at Sante for a snack, reflection of a wine glass
gritgoods: same
gritgoods: hallway in the Flat Iron
gritgoods: reflection 3
gritgoods: reflection 4
gritgoods: shadows on the wall of the new Wine and Cheese shop in Weaverville
gritgoods: 2007_1229FredNAville0004
gritgoods: North Star Diner
gritgoods: too corny for a title
gritgoods: reflections