Steve Barowik:
Blazing away in front of a Partisan Crowd, Ali Brownlee
Steve Barowik:
Alistair Brownlee, seeing out the win
Steve Barowik:
Go Jonny Go Jonny Go Jonny Go Jonny Go Go Go!
Steve Barowik:
Javier Gomez, chasing them down!
Steve Barowik:
Ryan Bailie, feeling the heat...... in Leeds, come on Aussie!
Steve Barowik:
Tom Bishop, feeling the strain but pushing hard
Steve Barowik:
Brits going shoulder to shoulder, Jodie Stimpson & Vicky Holland
Steve Barowik:
The Elite Womens Race at Leeds
Steve Barowik:
Charlotte McShane, out on her own
Steve Barowik:
Non Stanford
Steve Barowik:
The Leeds side streets that you slip down
Steve Barowik:
Flora Duffy heading into a tight right hander with no brakes and a cozzie for protection, it's impressive
Steve Barowik:
Running to a victory in Leeds, Gwen Jorgensen
Steve Barowik:
The mid field on South Parade at Leeds
Steve Barowik:
Lucy Hall sets the pace
Steve Barowik:
Aaron Royle leads the elite mens race, but the Brownlee's have him in their sights
Steve Barowik:
If they can maintain this form The Brownlee's will take all the beating in Rio
Steve Barowik:
The Mens Elite Race at Leeds
Steve Barowik:
Vicente Hernandez at Leeds
Steve Barowik:
Negotiating a right hander
Steve Barowik:
Adam Bowden keeps Gomez honest
Steve Barowik:
Alistair Brownlee laps one of the back markers
Steve Barowik:
It's hurting now!
Steve Barowik:
Anything to keep cool now!