teahupoo: departure from Sydney
teahupoo: eastern suburbs & beaches
teahupoo: bondi beach
teahupoo: sydney coast
teahupoo: IMG_8628
teahupoo: IMG_8633
teahupoo: IMG_8637
teahupoo: fisherman friend
teahupoo: IMG_8642
teahupoo: IMG_8658
teahupoo: IMG_8659
teahupoo: can u see the spider? :)
teahupoo: IMG_8665
teahupoo: IMG_8672
teahupoo: IMG_8689
teahupoo: noosa rescue
teahupoo: IMG_8698
teahupoo: IMG_8703
teahupoo: IMG_8706
teahupoo: IMG_8715
teahupoo: surfskis... ready to ride!!!
teahupoo: noosa appartements, sea front
teahupoo: IMG_8721
teahupoo: masaya
teahupoo: IMG_8729
teahupoo: looking for koalas... in the sea! :)
teahupoo: IMG_8728
teahupoo: IMG_8734
teahupoo: basket ball superstar
teahupoo: hurricane!