tiny_teesha: Framed
tiny_teesha: Vic Rose Gardens
tiny_teesha: Gazebo View
tiny_teesha: Bee Tickled Pink
tiny_teesha: Sweet Tangerine
tiny_teesha: Bee the centre of attention
tiny_teesha: BEE mine!
tiny_teesha: Rose Red Velvet
tiny_teesha: A rose bug
tiny_teesha: GET AWF MY BRANCH
tiny_teesha: GET AWF MY BRANCH (cropped & edited)
tiny_teesha: Scuzzle-butt
tiny_teesha: Tall Tail
tiny_teesha: Spruce Struth Ruth!
tiny_teesha: FAN tail
tiny_teesha: Display
tiny_teesha: Humble Whiskers
tiny_teesha: Ponder
tiny_teesha: Picturesque
tiny_teesha: Profile
tiny_teesha: Grey Fantail Daddy
tiny_teesha: Male Grey Fantail
tiny_teesha: Grey Fantail Male
tiny_teesha: Perch'n Pretty
tiny_teesha: Barb on a Wire
tiny_teesha: Cliche
tiny_teesha: Barbed Wire hurts the feet
tiny_teesha: Spring forth