lolg42: Jeff Eaton
lolg42: webchick
lolg42: Addi and Wim
lolg42: Victor Kane
lolg42: Simon and Wim
lolg42: The Lullabots
lolg42: Pre-show email check
lolg42: I give up Walkah, now what?
lolg42: Ken Rickard: Big organizations are slow and stubborn
lolg42: Where there's food, there's a hoard of geeks
lolg42: hunmonk('s hand)
lolg42: Jeff Eaton, cameraman
lolg42: jjeff on candid camera
lolg42: NikLP (not Nik)
lolg42: Ein Image Module!
lolg42: Sock it to us, Walkah
lolg42: You know you're too into Drupal when...
lolg42: Steven Wittens
lolg42: Geeks in a bar... with laptops
lolg42: Jeff Eaton strikes a pose
lolg42: Earl Miles
lolg42: A packed room for Earl
lolg42: Why yes, Mr. Reporter, Drupal does rock the world
lolg42: Merlin 2.0, codenamed "Sprout"
lolg42: The ofchaos Family
lolg42: Sprout
lolg42: Heine Deelstra
lolg42: Walkah
lolg42: The Dries
lolg42: The Drupal Leadership