OZinOH: Thomas Cook building IMG_0945
OZinOH: Cannon Building 1
OZinOH: Downtown Columbus IMG_0799-804
OZinOH: Downtown Columbus IMG_3456
OZinOH: Rayburn Building IMG_3874
OZinOH: Indianapolis reflection IMG_4876
OZinOH: Montgomery County Administration Building IMG_5262
OZinOH: Trumbull County Administration Building IMG_5577
OZinOH: Canton building IMG_5666
OZinOH: City Administration Building and City Hall IMG_6015
OZinOH: Office buildings IMG_6157
OZinOH: Hamilton County administration building IMG_7004
OZinOH: AMSA buillding IMG_7805
OZinOH: Prime building IMG_7871
OZinOH: Reflections IMG_7940
OZinOH: Stambaugh Building IMG_5619
OZinOH: Metropolitan Savings and Loan IMG_5620
OZinOH: Skyscrapers IMG_8764
OZinOH: Keynote Plaza IMG_0538
OZinOH: Keynote Plaza IMG_0536
OZinOH: Metro Center IMG_0544
OZinOH: Citizen Voice & Times IMG_2203
OZinOH: B.F. Williams Bldg IMG_2198
OZinOH: The Winchester Sun IMG_2322
OZinOH: Keynote Plaza IMG_2734
OZinOH: IMG_2897
OZinOH: Government Office Building IMG_3337
OZinOH: Metro Center IMG_2765
OZinOH: Highmark Place IMG_0510
OZinOH: One PPG Place IMG_0509