Somegal: Rearview mirror
Somegal: Rearview mirror
Somegal: Rearview Mirror
Somegal: Parked
Somegal: Parked
Somegal: Parked
Somegal: Parked
Somegal: Parked
Somegal: "Kool Aid of the Day"
Somegal: My Sides
Somegal: Chicken 'n' waffles
Somegal: Dark Table
Somegal: Dark Table
Somegal: Table
Somegal: Menu
Somegal: Kevin & Herman
Somegal: Andy
Somegal: Waitstaff & Debby
Somegal: Wednesday Night Meetup @ the Monkey
Somegal: Wednesday Night Meetup @ the Monkey
Somegal: Three Amigos
Somegal: The ORIGINAL Patsy's
Somegal: IMGP7937
Somegal: IMGP7936
Somegal: IMGP7935
Somegal: IMGP7934