jonfholl: Hadrians Wall and its ditch to the west of Black Carts Turret
jonfholl: Three Matres
jonfholl: Mercury
jonfholl: Genii cucullati from an alcove shrine
jonfholl: Commander's hypocaust
jonfholl: Grain store
jonfholl: the wall near Housesteads
jonfholl: Milecastle 37 on Housteads Craggs
jonfholl: Cuddy's Crags, Housesteads Crags and Kennel Crags
jonfholl: Clew Hill and King's Hill
jonfholl: A Plethora of Crags
jonfholl: The Wall running west from King's Wicket
jonfholl: coming down King's Hill
jonfholl: Housesteads from the east
jonfholl: Peel Crags
jonfholl: an attack on the Wall?
jonfholl: Peel Turret