jonfholl: Multiple tripods found at Olympia
jonfholl: Winged woman
jonfholl: Bronze relief of a female griffin
jonfholl: Gorgoneion shield device
jonfholl: helmets
jonfholl: limestone head
jonfholl: Zeus and Ganymede
jonfholl: Nike by Paeonius
jonfholl: Persian and Greek helmets from the Battle of Marathon
jonfholl: The Battle of the Lapiths and the Centaurs
jonfholl: Crouching for cover
jonfholl: Apollo stands for reason
jonfholl: Treachorous centaurs and threatened women
jonfholl: Ladies - beware the centaurs!
jonfholl: East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus
jonfholl: The agony of foresight
jonfholl: Herakles Sixth Labour: Stymphalian Birds
jonfholl: Herakles Seventh Labour: Cretan Bull
jonfholl: Herakles Tenth Labour: Cattle of Geryon
jonfholl: Herakles Eleventh Labour: Apples of the Hesperides
jonfholl: Herakles Fifth Labour: Cleaning the Augean Stables
jonfholl: Hermes by Praxiteles
jonfholl: Hermes carrying Dionysus to the Nymphs
jonfholl: Regilla's Marble Bull
jonfholl: Palaestra arcades at Olympia
jonfholl: column bases at Olympia
jonfholl: Collapsed columns of the Temple of Zeus
jonfholl: Ruins of the Philippeion
jonfholl: Remains of the Temple of Hera