macey2012: Day 1 - Before the end of the year
macey2012: Day 2 - Around my home
macey2012: Day 3 - This is the only time of the year I
macey2012: Day 4 - I am happy to report
macey2012: Day 5 - Traditions
macey2012: Day 6 - On my reading list
macey2012: Day 7 - What I am going to remember about today
macey2012: Day 8 - On my movie-watching list
macey2012: Day 9 - My favorite outfit/assessories
macey2012: Day 10 - I was a friend this year by
macey2012: Day 11 - Without _______ I would probably _______
macey2012: Day 12 - Places I went this year
macey2012: Day 13 - I get excited when...
macey2012: Day 14 - Stocking up on
macey2012: Day 15 - I like to avoid
macey2012: Day 16 - Favorite things to eat this time of year
macey2012: Day 17 - I wish I had done more ______ this year
macey2012: Day 18 - On my shopping list
macey2012: Day 19 - Projects I finished this year
macey2012: Day 20 - With a day to myself I would
macey2012: Day 21 - Positive things from this week
macey2012: Day 22 - Things that can't wait until tomorrow
macey2012: Day 23 - Who I consider "family"
macey2012: Day 24 - Things I heard today
macey2012: Day 25 - Can't get enough of
macey2012: Day 26 - I am thankful for
macey2012: Day 27 - Ways to unwind
macey2012: Day 28 - Memories made this year
macey2012: Day 29 - What I am letting go of
macey2012: Day 30 - This time next year