macey2012: Day 1 - A few things about myself
macey2012: Day 3 - Things I'm looking forward to
macey2012: Day 4 - Today's playlist
macey2012: Day 16 - Things to see in my town
macey2012: Day 18 - Road trip must haves
macey2012: Day 20 - Celebrity Crushes
macey2012: Day 21 - Things to do this spring
macey2012: Day 22 - Today I saw
macey2012: Day 24 - I make lists for
macey2012: Day 25 - Things I'd rather be doing
macey2012: Day 28 - Vacations to take
macey2012: Day 2 - Things I'm good at
macey2012: Day 5 - Weekend Goals
macey2012: Day 7 - My blog goals
macey2012: Day 8 - In my bag
macey2012: Day 9 - Favourite websites and blogs
macey2012: Day 10 - Date night ideas
macey2012: Day 11- On my wish list