charlie b1984: P6182081
charlie b1984: P6182077
charlie b1984: The People's Palace and Winter Gardens, Glasgow
charlie b1984: Inside the Winter Gardens, Glasgow
charlie b1984: P6182037
charlie b1984: Doulton Fountain, Glasgow
charlie b1984: Winter Gardens, Glasgow
charlie b1984: P6182011
charlie b1984: P6182010
charlie b1984: P6182007
charlie b1984: P6182005
charlie b1984: P6182002
charlie b1984: P6182000
charlie b1984: Glasgow Green
charlie b1984: P6181989
charlie b1984: P6181971
charlie b1984: P6181956
charlie b1984: P6181945
charlie b1984: Glasgow Bridge, Glasgow
charlie b1984: P6181937
charlie b1984: Glasgow Green
charlie b1984: Highrise from Glasgow Green
charlie b1984: Adelphi Street, from Glasgow Green