sewyerown: Striped Tee Dress Thumbnail
sewyerown: Cut Single Layer
sewyerown: Pin at Stripe Juncture for Matching
sewyerown: Serge Clear Elastic to Neckline
sewyerown: Twin Needle Stitching at Neckline
sewyerown: Front Accessorized
sewyerown: Back
sewyerown: Front
sewyerown: Front
sewyerown: Too Much?
sewyerown: Hat Front
sewyerown: Hat from the Top--Mesmerizing
sewyerown: Helmet Liner
sewyerown: Fabrics For Less, NYC, 11-2011
sewyerown: Raspberries and Cream Thumbnail
sewyerown: Stabilize Shoulder Seam
sewyerown: Unflattering Long Length
sewyerown: Inside Out to Trim Lace
sewyerown: Trim Away Lace
sewyerown: Hem samples
sewyerown: Strips of Sol-U-Film
sewyerown: Serge Sol-u-Film into Hem
sewyerown: Press Under Stabilized Edge
sewyerown: Zigzag serged hem in place
sewyerown: Tea Dyeing Foldover Elastic
sewyerown: Topstitch Outside of Foldover Elastic
sewyerown: Front
sewyerown: Front
sewyerown: Side
sewyerown: Back