lautrerainey: "Moms and Babes" by Flavin Glover
lautrerainey: Rachel's baby quilt begins to take shape
lautrerainey: Grass that's greener?
lautrerainey: Faces begin to emerge
lautrerainey: The little black lamb gets a face
lautrerainey: Black eyes & tan ears
lautrerainey: The sky begins to develop
lautrerainey: Strips ready to be cut into lengths
lautrerainey: These are cut pieces that I'm not working on at the moment
lautrerainey: The strips for the block variation I'm sewing right now
lautrerainey: A single block variation
lautrerainey: The eye blocks in construction
lautrerainey: Recycled blocks
lautrerainey: And here's what became of the wrong color blocks
lautrerainey: Inside under a skylight
lautrerainey: Auditioning fabrics for a blue sky
lautrerainey: A more limited palette
lautrerainey: Two different purple palettes for the far plateau