Phil Box: Bedrock
Phil Box: Bedrock
Phil Box: Land Slide
Phil Box: Creek junction.
Phil Box: Scoured creek bed
Phil Box: The ground completely stripped of vegetation.
Phil Box: Great trees left stranded
Phil Box: Poor old gum tree
Phil Box: Silt beds
Phil Box: Silt
Phil Box: Scouring.
Phil Box: Battered and bruised
Phil Box: Carnage
Phil Box: Embedded
Phil Box: Gouged
Phil Box: Once upon a live tree
Phil Box: Flood debris
Phil Box: It was a road
Phil Box: The mind boggles
Phil Box: Life goes on
Phil Box: No trains today
Phil Box: Devestation
Phil Box: Suspended animation
Phil Box: Concrete footings
Phil Box: Railway Culvert near Murphy's Creek
Phil Box: There used to be a small creek here
Phil Box: Murphy's Creek campground
Phil Box: Murphy's Creek Campground
Phil Box: Redcliffs bend