ActionAid UK: Rice Project – Child Sponsorship.
ActionAid UK: Sheba Aktor
ActionAid UK: Mukta and her mother plant rice
ActionAid UK: Murm Begum (40), mother of sponsored child
ActionAid UK: Rice Project – Child Sponsorship
ActionAid UK: Mukta (sponsored child) and her mother Shofikun. Care for their ducks..
ActionAid UK: Mukta (sponsored child) family meal in their home.
ActionAid UK: Shofikun (mother of Mukta) with rice seeds.
ActionAid UK: Murm Begum (40), mother of sponsored child
ActionAid UK: Farming potatoes
ActionAid UK: Razia Khatan (mother) and Shaheena Khatan (daughter) (9), Sponsored child
ActionAid UK: Razia Khatan (mother) and Shaheena Khatan (daughter) (9), Sponsored child
ActionAid UK: Razia Khatan, mother of sponsored child
ActionAid UK: Khaleda Akter (14), and Kadidja Akter (13) sponsored children.
ActionAid UK: Khaleda Akter (14), and Kadidja Akter (13) sponsored children.