ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake. January 16, 2010.
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 16, 2010
ActionAid UK: Mariane, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 16, 2010
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 13th, 2010
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 13th, 2010
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 13th, 2010
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 16th, 2010
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 16th, 2010
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 16th, 2010
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 16, 2010
ActionAid UK: Negine Azor, 5, lives in the Mariane district of Port-au-Prince
ActionAid UK: Wilciana Noel, 5, Mariane district of Port-au-Prince
ActionAid UK: Chalinda Delicat, 7, Mariane district of Port-au-Prince
ActionAid UK: Lorendina Themistocle, 4, (center) with her sister Gloria, 10,
ActionAid UK: Alexis Katteline, 10, Mariane district of Port-au-Prince
ActionAid UK: Marie Walkine Vilme, 7, Mariane district of Port-au-Prince
ActionAid UK: The Vilme family, Mariane, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
ActionAid UK: Wendy Destramy, 12, lives in the Mariane district of Port-au-Prince
ActionAid UK: Michou, 9, Mariane district of Port-au-Prince
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake. January 16, 2010
ActionAid UK: Paul Mescani, 45-year-old
ActionAid UK: Nere Pierre Max, 14-year-old
ActionAid UK: Nere Pierre Max, 14-year-old
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 16, 2010
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 16, 2010
ActionAid UK: Widly Florent, 9 years old
ActionAid UK: ActionAid's InternationPort-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 17th, 2010
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 20th, 2010
ActionAid UK: Port-au-Prince, Haiti earthquake aftermath. January 20th, 2010