Misshoney1: Enjoying the Flowers - American Coot
Misshoney1: Hunting - Northern Harrier
Misshoney1: Loggerhead Shrike
Misshoney1: Western Meadowlark
Misshoney1: Red Winged Reflection
Misshoney1: Spotted Towhee
Misshoney1: Posing
Misshoney1: Watching Out for Her
Misshoney1: Beauty
Misshoney1: Duck, Duck, Duck... and Another
Misshoney1: Black Phoebe
Misshoney1: Ring Necked Duck
Misshoney1: Great Egret
Misshoney1: Great Blue Heron
Misshoney1: Cassin's Kingbird
Misshoney1: Grackle
Misshoney1: Killdeer
Misshoney1: Steller's Jay
Misshoney1: House Finch
Misshoney1: Cormorant with Her Nest
Misshoney1: Two of a Kind - White Crowned Sparrow
Misshoney1: Lesser Yellowlegs
Misshoney1: White Faced Ibis - San Jacinto Wildlife Area
Misshoney1: Wading Pair - American Avocet
Misshoney1: Wading - Black Necked Stilt
Misshoney1: Pretty Blue - Mountain Bluebird
Misshoney1: Watching - Savannah Sparrow?
Misshoney1: Anna's Hummingbird
Misshoney1: American Kestrel