mattbrucefl: Common Raven and Bison at Yellowstone NP
mattbrucefl: Canada Goose Pair and Bison
mattbrucefl: Canada Goose
mattbrucefl: Canada Geese on Frozen Lake
mattbrucefl: Mountain Chickadee
mattbrucefl: Clark's Nutcracker
mattbrucefl: Mountain Bluebird
mattbrucefl: American Dipper
mattbrucefl: American Dipper
mattbrucefl: Dusky Grouse
mattbrucefl: Dusky Grouse
mattbrucefl: Dark-eyed Junco
mattbrucefl: Black-billed Magpie
mattbrucefl: Barrow's Goldeneye
mattbrucefl: Least Chipmunk
mattbrucefl: Red Squirrel
mattbrucefl: Uinta Ground Squirrel
mattbrucefl: Yellow-bellied Marmot
mattbrucefl: Snowshoe Hare
mattbrucefl: Bison Sparring
mattbrucefl: Bison Calves Greeting
mattbrucefl: Pronghorn Antelope
mattbrucefl: Pronghorn over Lamar Valley