Model-Miniature / Military-Photo-Report: Constructor document on VAB ULTIMA
Model-Miniature / Military-Photo-Report: 12.7mm TOP RCWS (from Kongberg Protect)
Model-Miniature / Military-Photo-Report: 12.7mm TOP RCWS (from Kongberg Protect) and french soldier
Model-Miniature / Military-Photo-Report: Antennes brouilleurs anti-IED
Model-Miniature / Military-Photo-Report: 12.7mm TOP RCWS (from Kongberg Protect)
Model-Miniature / Military-Photo-Report: 12.7mm TOP RCWS (from Kongberg Protect)
Model-Miniature / Military-Photo-Report: VAB ULTIMA ERYX and AMX-30D
Model-Miniature / Military-Photo-Report: Me on VAB ULTIMA ERYX version