dadburnham: Odessa's fence
dadburnham: The day after returning from L'viv, Bob and family drove to Virginia to meet with friends and supporters at a borrowed cabin. Based on this photo, it looks as though our children want to be adopted into the Ghrist family!
dadburnham: Easter eggs from Lviv
dadburnham: porch chickens
dadburnham: Eudora discovered the (delicious) flora of Virginia - wild chives!
dadburnham: We ate some gourmet meals - thanks to Rob's culinary skills!
dadburnham: All of us trekked in kayaks, paddle boards and a canoe on the (ice cold) river which runs through the property.
dadburnham: cornhole toss
dadburnham: old people on the porch
dadburnham: The Neal family girls also joined in climbing trees.
dadburnham: river chickens
dadburnham: mountain chickens
dadburnham: Gathering with these amazing two families was a highlight of our time in the States. We're grateful for their friendship and open hearts.
dadburnham: Andrea at Monticello
dadburnham: Later that evening we greatly enjoyed a visit with Andrea's interpreter and friend from Ukraine, Sveta - and her family! We were having so much fun, we neglected to take a photo until it was too dark.
dadburnham: Emily (on cello) & Abby (on guitar) have been treating us to impromptu summer porch concerts.
dadburnham: Emily and Jake
dadburnham: Orthodox and western Easter fell on the same day this year, and we couldn't resist putting peeps in Iris's homemade baskets! (They don't have those in Ukraine, thankfully!)
dadburnham: Burnhams on Easter
dadburnham: Easter prep
dadburnham: We enjoyed Easter dinner with Derek and Catalina Kreider, and Derek's parents. The Kreiders will be our new neighbors to the west - MTW missionaries to Romania.
dadburnham: Maynards and Lena
dadburnham: We enjoyed getting to know Lena, part of a church-planting team in Vyborg, Russia. We're grateful to the Maynards for hosting and championing churches in the former Soviet Union!
dadburnham: Centurion Iris
dadburnham: super Mario!
dadburnham: shopping with friends in Athens
dadburnham: Erechtheon
dadburnham: Olive tree ruins
dadburnham: Athens pano
dadburnham: resting on ruins