dadburnham: Sledding down the famed Potemkin steps after a huge snowstorm in January.
dadburnham: A candlelit Christmas Eve celebration (Jan 6th) in our center church.
dadburnham: Pastor George helping with our Christmas children's skit.
dadburnham: For several months we hosted Inna, who had aged out of the orphanage but didn't have a place to live yet.
dadburnham: Andrea's creative side came out this year with new works.
dadburnham: Much of 2015 was spent developing our English Outreach.
dadburnham: Outreach to college students and young adults.
dadburnham: Celebrating Kostya's birthday (physical and spiritual!)
dadburnham: Giving away portraits, chocolate, gospel tracts and church invitations on Women's Day (March 8th).
dadburnham: Some of the flowers Andrea received for her birthday on March 19th.
dadburnham: Slava and his family host us just before he leaves to Poland in order to find better work opportunities.
dadburnham: Bob had several chances to preach this year in our southern churches.
dadburnham: An intensive week-long English outreach in February.
dadburnham: One of our many hang out sessions with students after English club.
dadburnham: Jacoby and Lera Nelson, just before leaving for the States.
dadburnham: Our counseling center staff and pastor, before heading to a war refugee center.
dadburnham: We had multiple trips to work with veterans and refugees from the east.
dadburnham: Our girls get ready to celebrate one of Odessa's biggest holidays - April Fool's Day!
dadburnham: We drove to Bucharest, Romania in April to visit our friends Dori & Dorin.
dadburnham: Iris gets her first taste of Starbucks in Romania.
dadburnham: Abigail and Iris get a little "creeped out" in Dracula's castle (Transylvania, Romania).
dadburnham: We drove to Brasov, Romania to see our missionary friends, the Ebbers.
dadburnham: Abigail, Emily and Anya are among those enjoying our church's Easter feast.
dadburnham: Andrea's gift for Alina's new apartment.
dadburnham: Bob and Dave Martin traveled to L'viv to speak at our National Youth Conference (Doug Shepherd shown).
dadburnham: Every six weeks we include a game review day with our English outreach.
dadburnham: Bob had a great time running the Geneva Half Marathon with his sister, Amanda, in May.
dadburnham: In June we completed another year of the MK Anchor School.
dadburnham: Warm days in Odessa with plenty of blues and greens (historic opera house shown).
dadburnham: Langston Haygood brought a short-term team from Birmingham to help out the counseling center and several church ministries in June.