dadburnham: Cinco de Mayo
dadburnham: Victory Day
dadburnham: Finally, fresh fruits and vegetables!
dadburnham: A visit from Covenant Pres Birmingham
dadburnham: No small picnic!
dadburnham: Silver Linings
dadburnham: Fund-raising for the Children's Cancer hospital
dadburnham: Counseling Seminar
dadburnham: Reaching out to the Elderly
dadburnham: More than a foot-washing...
dadburnham: The importance of touch
dadburnham: Picture this.
dadburnham: More than pedicures
dadburnham: Liliya's balcony
dadburnham: so touchy!
dadburnham: Orphans
dadburnham: "...for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
dadburnham: Dan the man
dadburnham: Water fight!
dadburnham: Lessons at orphanage #88
dadburnham: Getting to the root of the problem
dadburnham: Chik-Fil-A in UKRAINE?!
dadburnham: Friends from far and wide
dadburnham: Have Scooter - Will Travel
dadburnham: Natasha and Miriam
dadburnham: Finally, someone to play with!
dadburnham: Miriam's birthday
dadburnham: Another new Natasha
dadburnham: Alyona
dadburnham: Thank goodness for a big table!