dadburnham: The Phabulous Philly Phive
dadburnham: A visit to orphanage #4
dadburnham: A Full House
dadburnham: Glorious Music from the Balcony
dadburnham: Smokin'. . .
dadburnham: Final number
dadburnham: Ukrainian Conga Line?
dadburnham: Taking over the Stage
dadburnham: Goodbye to Lisa
dadburnham: Taking back the building
dadburnham: What Abby does on cold winter days
dadburnham: January Christmas Eve Service
dadburnham: Passing the light
dadburnham: A visit from Lars
dadburnham: Four sheep and an Ewok?
dadburnham: Ooooh-ing and Aaaaah-ing
dadburnham: Emily's Joyous Proclamation
dadburnham: Marina smiles
dadburnham: German ferris wheel
dadburnham: Getting to know Kristin
dadburnham: Inauguration Picnic
dadburnham: Streaming Oath of Office
dadburnham: Another cooking class
dadburnham: Too many cooks in the kitchen. . .
dadburnham: Getting closer
dadburnham: Closing our office
dadburnham: Must. . .get. . .the tooth. . .out!
dadburnham: Ready for a walk
dadburnham: Tough times for the elderly
dadburnham: Are those Rockport stiletto heels?