www.paata.ge: ალილო / Alilo
atxu: safo por mi y por todos mis compañeros
Only_to_be_kind: Seeing Red
Brendan Gara: Jonathan & friend
Mal Urwin: chrysanthemum
Loscar Numael: Hypotenuse
Tatters ✾: Banksia bench in Kings Park, Perth
Phone Photo Freak: A toadstool makes a good umbrella
David Ho Ming Lam: Canon 5D/Zeiss Planar 50/1.4 ZF
notkelly: cloudy forecasts
Guimin: Gardens by the Bay
Quicksil7er: • Sending Out an SOS •
kenway0724: 50870022
leluchi: Gergetis sameba
DIKARKA: Seagull...
Emilique: Butcher
jsmithinistanbul: Congolese Refugees at Camp on the Angola/Congo (DRC) Border
Emilique: Andżi
fiqro: IMG_4621 copy
Levan Kakabadze: Nightwalker
Emilique: backstreet point