Contebar: 1/52 Self Portrait
Contebar: 2/52 Leading lines
Contebar: 3/52 wabi sabi
Contebar: 4/52 Fill the frame
Contebar: 5/52 Shoot froma above
Contebar: 6/52 Rule of thirds
Contebar: 7/52 Intentional color palette
Contebar: 8/52 Pairs
Contebar: 9/52 Extreme contrast
Contebar: 10/52 Abandoned
Contebar: 11/52 Triangular composition
Contebar: 12/52 Books
Contebar: 13/52 Line fron a song
Contebar: 14/52 Curves
Contebar: 15/52 A different angle
Contebar: 16/52 fast shutter speed
Contebar: 17/52 Soft
Contebar: 18/52 low key
Contebar: 19/52 Roll of film
Contebar: 20/52 not what you see
Contebar: 21/52 Symmetry
Contebar: 22/52 50 feet from home
Contebar: 23/52 Dancing
Contebar: 24/52 Hands
Contebar: 25/52 Make a background
Contebar: 26/52 flashlight
Contebar: 27/52 Complementary Colors
Contebar: 28/52 Edited by someone else
Contebar: 29/52 Details
Contebar: 30/52 Negative space