florriebassingbourn: As usual, my DILO starts with a tardy cup of tea in bed
florriebassingbourn: Three more things before I get up
florriebassingbourn: Time to take down the three cards profJohn received for his recent birthday
florriebassingbourn: As no-one else gave him a birthday present a few days ago, profJohn ordered three things for himself
florriebassingbourn: Winter solstice daffodils
florriebassingbourn: As red as any blood
florriebassingbourn: Max, min and reset button
florriebassingbourn: Three knives
florriebassingbourn: Three things I try to use every day, DILO day or not
florriebassingbourn: Wandering round the house finding things in threes lit up by late sunshine
florriebassingbourn: Sunlit prongs
florriebassingbourn: Extra lucky
florriebassingbourn: Where would we be without lots of these?
florriebassingbourn: Three wise bottles
florriebassingbourn: Potato, ricotta, pesto
florriebassingbourn: Three going-to-bed things