John_Beswick: helleborus unidentifico (unlabelledii)
John_Beswick: ty'n llwyn
John_Beswick: stella II
John_Beswick: stellaria
John_Beswick: the cat and the blossom
John_Beswick: magnolia
John_Beswick: magnolia
John_Beswick: i beg your pardon...
John_Beswick: flora experimenta
John_Beswick: echinacea
John_Beswick: flutterby
John_Beswick: community 'allotments', piccadilly basin, manchester
John_Beswick: summer scents
John_Beswick: summer scents - with added fizz
John_Beswick: summer scents
John_Beswick: summer scents
John_Beswick: summer scents
John_Beswick: summer scents
John_Beswick: summer finally arrived today and I wilted in the heat!