John_Beswick: Pediment
John_Beswick: Cracks
John_Beswick: Stone Holes
John_Beswick: Green Handle
John_Beswick: Black Handle
John_Beswick: Mask06
John_Beswick: Mask04
John_Beswick: Mask03
John_Beswick: Slavery
John_Beswick: Eyes open
John_Beswick: Eyes closed
John_Beswick: Bas relief
John_Beswick: Window reflection
John_Beswick: Rippled water
John_Beswick: Window reflection
John_Beswick: Chimneys reflected
John_Beswick: Reflected Tree
John_Beswick: Stone Shadows
John_Beswick: Door Handle
John_Beswick: Window and Door
John_Beswick: Stone Mullioned Window
John_Beswick: Oval Window
John_Beswick: Stone 'Twirl'!
John_Beswick: Stone Spiral
John_Beswick: Hole 'door handle'
John_Beswick: Padlock
John_Beswick: Lion and Copper Beech
John_Beswick: Lion and Copper Beech, Dunham Massey