survivingworldsteam: My computer model of the AA20
survivingworldsteam: A drawing of the AA-20 on top of a poster of other steam locomotives from around the world; all to the same scale
survivingworldsteam: The AA-20 on it's single publicity run;
survivingworldsteam: The AA-20 at the Shcherbinka test facility
survivingworldsteam: The AA-20 at the Shcherbinka test facility
survivingworldsteam: The AA-20 is just as tall as the Su class locomotive
survivingworldsteam: Only a locomotive the size of the Union Pacific Big Boy could dewarf it; and only in terms of length and number of wheels (and only by one pair.)
survivingworldsteam: A wall of iron - the Big Boy on the left, and the Su class and AA-20 on the right.
survivingworldsteam: The AA-20 at the Shcherbinka test facility