Victor Lefelman: Fan for an absent guard. Ventilador para un sereno ausente.
Victor Lefelman: Red carpet for an absent future wife.
Victor Lefelman: Absent Citroen C4. Citroen C4 ausente.
Victor Lefelman: 00790008
Victor Lefelman: 63200018A
Victor Lefelman: The idea of a chair...La idea de una silla...
Victor Lefelman: Sitting corner in Jaffa's municipal library. Rincón en la biblioteca municipal de Jafa.
Victor Lefelman: Contax HP5 004b
Victor Lefelman: Absent air conditioner. Acondicionador de aire ausente.
Victor Lefelman: Contax HP5030b
Victor Lefelman: 20030008b
Victor Lefelman: B16FMTMax400002
Victor Lefelman: B41380034
Victor Lefelman: 4 windows, 4 angels, 1 bicycle
Victor Lefelman: Bebedor de café ausente. Absent coffee drinker.
Victor Lefelman: Valiant IV.
Victor Lefelman: A029_28A
Victor Lefelman: B2016AS006
Victor Lefelman: B2016DFE3003
Victor Lefelman: B2016DFE1027
Victor Lefelman: B2016FRC014
Victor Lefelman: B2016FRC025
Victor Lefelman: B2016FF007
Victor Lefelman: Rich museum rico.