docinatl: Excited at the game
docinatl: Keys game
docinatl: Best seat in the house.
docinatl: Running the bases
docinatl: High 5
docinatl: Mommy catches a ball for me
docinatl: Why... Why do they ... Why is he...
docinatl: Learning how to do it
docinatl: Resting
docinatl: 10 seconds later
docinatl: Michael's ducks
docinatl: Viewing spot
docinatl: Everything becomes a track
docinatl: M&M s with doc
docinatl: Sharing
docinatl: Baseball guys
docinatl: Bouncy house
docinatl: Gone
docinatl: Climbing the wall
docinatl: Wow this is fun
docinatl: Doc and Michael share ice cream
docinatl: Mmmmm
docinatl: Dizzy trip
docinatl: Home alone
docinatl: Snow in October
docinatl: What does Walker think
docinatl: Christmas train
docinatl: Trick or treat
docinatl: Nationals guy