74Mex: Petter Solberg
74Mex: Phil Mills back again
74Mex: Khalid Al Qassimi
74Mex: Colin McRae chatting before a run Goodwood 2007
74Mex: Mikko Hirvonen Goodwood Festival 2008
74Mex: Wilson and Hirvonen chat between runs
74Mex: Marko Martin testing Subaru WRC08
74Mex: Rauno Aaltonen preparing to take the Mini out (1)
74Mex: Rauno Aaltonen preparing to take the Mini out (2)
74Mex: Hannu and Arne
74Mex: Kuipers and Miclotte in conversation Fiesta S2000
74Mex: Weijs and Degandt arrive at service - J-WRC winners Citroen C2R2
74Mex: Petter couldn't stop signing
74Mex: Petter Solberg - Cardiff finish ceremony
74Mex: Petter (Elena's back of head)
74Mex: DSCF0448
74Mex: Petter Solberg, Chris Patterson, Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena relax at the finish with beverage of choice
74Mex: DSCF0450
74Mex: Top 4 chat at the finish - l to r Hirvonen, Latvala, Loeb, P Solberg
74Mex: Mikko and Jari Matti chat while Seb is interviewed
74Mex: Very Happy Jari Matti
74Mex: L to r - Jari Matti Latvala (hidden behind),Mikka Anttila, Mikko Hirvonen (left ear), Matthew Wilson (back), Petter Solberg, Chris Patterson, Stephane Prevot (left ear)
74Mex: DSCF0457
74Mex: Henning talking to Mikka Anttila, Petter talking to Patrick Sandel in the background
74Mex: Craig Breen taking it all in. Cardiff Finish Ceremony
74Mex: DSCF0463
74Mex: Emil Axelsson running the Scandinavian fan gauntlet passing Breen and Roberts
74Mex: Loeb / Elena - Podium - Wales Rally GB 2010
74Mex: Loeb and Elena taking the applause
74Mex: The familiar Loeb grin on the top of the ramp