Thrift: Lady dumps her bike in a subway
Thrift: Brides
Thrift: Highgate profile again
Thrift: The Love Factory
Thrift: Elizabeth in Borth
Thrift: Pole dancer
Thrift: Taking a break from the graffiti
Thrift: Yesnaby cliffs
Thrift: Street cafe
Thrift: candy floss stall
Thrift: You what?
Thrift: regrets?
Thrift: Photo opportunity
Thrift: the kiss
Thrift: Touching the water
Thrift: Andrew the giant
Thrift: Sunbathing belles
Thrift: Mushy peas and cold pop
Thrift: Not waving but drowning
Thrift: metro stairs
Thrift: Through the arched window
Thrift: Andrew and Karl
Thrift: Train to catch
Thrift: Barn art