litlesam1: Larry - waiting for October's Bright Blue Weather to arrive - 2024
litlesam1: 365 Year16 Day 44 (5420) Larry confused Whats that bright yellow thing in the sky .
litlesam1: 365 Year16 Day 43 (5420) Larry celebrating the sun after 20 day sof rain with Elivs
litlesam1: 365 Year16 Day 42 (5419) Larry in an October Blue shirt and haircut day
litlesam1: 365 Year16 Day 45 (5421) International James Bond Day November 5, 2024 - Larry surrounded with Bond
litlesam1: 365 Year16 Day 46 (5422)
litlesam1: Larry - Octobers Bright Blue Weather. Perfect blue skies this morning
litlesam1: I love the clouds today. Out for my daily walk - Larry
litlesam1: 365 Year16 Day 47 (5423) - Larry receiving a bouquet on his daily walk
litlesam1: Octobers bright weather - a daily walk and a surprise bouquet - Larry
litlesam1: 365 Year16 Day 54 (5430) Larry - Crazy hectic day. Torn in a hundred directions
litlesam1: 365 Year16 Day 57 (5433) Larry - brisk fall morning calls for coffee on the deck
litlesam1: 3 m's Moose Mug and Moon - coffee on the deck this morning - Octobers Bright Blue Weather