litlesam1: Korean Bar b Que at State Fare in Catonsville
litlesam1: Chicken cock Rum Barrel Rye - State Fare Catonsville
litlesam1: Mark at State Fare in Catonsville
litlesam1: Manhattan at State Fare in Catonsville 1
litlesam1: 365 Yer 14 Photo 347 (4890) Larry - first beer since April - July 2023 at Racers
litlesam1: Top of the Rock - Dramatic moment at Racers
litlesam1: Sauvignon Blanc at Avalong Bar and Restaurant - West Chester Pennsylvania 1
litlesam1: Sauvignon Blanc at Avalong Bar and Restaurant - West Chester Pennsylvania 2
litlesam1: Sauvignon Blanc at Avalong Bar and Restaurant - West Chester Pennsylvania
litlesam1: Wine glass and Art Wrok on the wall - Avalong Bar and Restaurant in West Chester Pa
litlesam1: Larry and Mark at Marcato Restaurant in West Chester Pa 2
litlesam1: Larry at Avalon Bar and Restaurant - West Chester Pa 2
litlesam1: Larry at Avalon Bar and Restaurant - West Chester Pa
litlesam1: Aperol Spritz highlights - August 2023
litlesam1: Friday nights at Amadeo's - August 2023
litlesam1: 365 Year 15 Photo 20 - Larry with Maine vacation shirt and beer from Maine at my local pub
litlesam1: Larry when you get a mean text while your chilling at Racer
litlesam1: Larry with my sister Shelley - We look like two kids on Christmas morning here. But we are just old people in a bar
litlesam1: After all the rental car kaos - Larry - Finally