litlesam1: Danielle is visiting for the weekend - beer bonding in the basement
litlesam1: Crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge
litlesam1: Crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge 1
litlesam1: Crossing the Chesapeake Bridge 2
litlesam1: Danielle Elevating Beer at Racers
litlesam1: Danielle with Falcor Beer
litlesam1: Takaing our Late friend Scott out after his Memorial Service
litlesam1: TakingScott with us for a drink after his Memorial Service
litlesam1: Larry out with Scott after his Memorial Service
litlesam1: Larry with Scott after his memorial service
litlesam1: Larry with Secret Machine Beer at Red's Wine Bar
litlesam1: Larry, Danielle, Katie, Mark at Red's Wine Bar