litlesam1: Crossing the Governor Cuomo Bridge in New York State 8
litlesam1: Crossing the Governor Cuomo Bridge in New York State 9
litlesam1: Crossing the Governor Cuomo Bridge in New York State 7
litlesam1: Crossing the Governor Cuomo Bridge in New York State 6
litlesam1: Crossing the Governor Cuomo Bridge in New York State 5
litlesam1: Crossing the Governor Cuomo Bridge in New York State 4
litlesam1: Crossing the Governor Cuomo Bridge in New York State 2
litlesam1: Crossing the Governor Cuomo Bridge in New York State 1
litlesam1: Crossing the Governor Cuomo Bridge in New York State
litlesam1: Mid morning - wide awake now - selfie time 1
litlesam1: Mid morning - wide awake now - selfie time
litlesam1: I'm pretty sure this is when Mark farted
litlesam1: Mark driving - in New Jersey
litlesam1: I'm looking at the man in the mirror - Larry
litlesam1: Crossing the Delaware Memorial Bridge just around sun rise 3
litlesam1: Crossing the Delaware Memorial Bridge just around sun rise 1
litlesam1: Crossing the Delaware Memorial Bridge just around sun rise
litlesam1: Larry already sleepy. Leaving at 6 am is not easy for a retired man 1
litlesam1: Larry already sleepy. Leaving at 6 am is not easy for a retired man
litlesam1: 365 Year 13 Photo 6 - Larry in my lucky flying shirt on my way to New Hampshire - September 2021
litlesam1: Checking out the cabin - Eidelweiss Village
litlesam1: The Rooney Cabin - Eidelweiss Village - our home for the week
litlesam1: Moose decor - must be New Hampshire 1
litlesam1: Moose decor - must be New Hampshire
litlesam1: Tallulah trying to figure out where we are - Arrival Eielweiss Village New Hampshire 1
litlesam1: Tallulah trying to figure out where we are - Arrival Eielweiss Village New Hampshire
litlesam1: Oops - tripped walking Tallulah at rest stop 1
litlesam1: Oops - tripped walking Tallulah at rest stop
litlesam1: Letting Danielle know we are passing her home town in Massachusetts 1
litlesam1: Letting Danielle know we are passing her home town in Massachusetts